Visite de la ville de Bhoutan, 7 Jours
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Visite de la ville de Bhoutan, 7 Jours

Jours: 7 / Difficulté: 1 of 5 (Facile)
Min. Personnes: 1 / Max. personnes: 14

Découvrez l'enchantement des villes du Bhoutan lors d'une visite captivante qui vous plongera au cœur de ce royaume himalayen. Promenez-vous dans les rues anciennes de Paro, où le légendaire monastère du Nid de Tigre se dresse en sentinelle contre des falaises spectaculaires. Explorez Thimphu, la capitale, où la modernité rencontre la tradition avec l'impressionnant Tashichho Dzong et le paisible National Memorial Chorten.

Voyagez vers Gangtey, où la vallée de Phobjikha se déploie dans une beauté sereine, et où le monastère de Gangtey ajoute une profondeur spirituelle au paysage. Découvrez l'importance historique de Punakha au Punakha Dzong, où les rivières convergent, et suivez les contes jusqu'à Chimi Lhakhang, un temple à la légende unique. Wangdue vous accueille avec son aura tranquille, le Wangdue Phodrang Dzong offrant des vues panoramiques.

Ce circuit mêle l'héritage culturel du Bhoutan et des paysages à couper le souffle, vous laissant le souvenir d'un pays où spiritualité et nature s'entremêlent harmonieusement. Dans chaque ville, une tapisserie de la vie, de la tradition et de l'émerveillement bhoutanais vous attend. Rejoignez-nous pour découvrir les royaumes mystiques du Bhoutan à travers cette exploration inoubliable des villes.

Embarquez pour un voyage captivant à travers les paysages mystiques du Bhoutan, un royaume niché au cœur de l'Himalaya. Ce tour de ville vous promet une expérience inoubliable en vous immergeant dans les merveilles culturelles, historiques et naturelles de Paro, Thimphu, Gangtey, Punakha et Wangdue.

Tout au long de ce circuit, vous serez témoin de la coexistence harmonieuse de la riche culture du Bhoutan et de son impressionnante beauté naturelle. Les paysages enchanteurs, les festivals animés et les habitants accueillants créent une atmosphère qui donne l'impression de pénétrer dans un royaume magique. Chaque étape de ce voyage dévoile une nouvelle couche de l'histoire et des traditions du Bhoutan, vous laissant des souvenirs que vous garderez précieusement toute votre vie. Alors, faites vos valises et préparez-vous à vous laisser emporter par l'attrait des villes du Bhoutan et leur charme inégalé.

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The flight to Paro is one of the most spectacular in entire Himalayas. Flying along the Himalayan range from Kathmandu, the journey offers fascinating views and an exciting descent into the Kingdom. Bhutan’s first gift, as you disembark from the aircraft will be cool, clean fresh mountain air. After immigration formalities and baggage collection, you will be met by our representative, and afterwards drive to Thimphu, the capital town of Bhutan with enroute stop at Chuzom, the confluence of Thimphu and Paro rivers. Three different style of stupas; Tibetan, Nepalese and Bhutanese adorn this confluence. Shortly before reaching Chuzom, you will see on your left TschogangLhakhang, “the temple of the excellent horse”. It is a private temple, built in 15th century, as the result of visitation from Balaha, the excellent horse, a manifestation of Chenrezig, the compassionate Buddha.

On arrival in Thimphu, check into the hotel. The capital town of Bhutan and the centre of Government, religion and commerce, Thimphu is a unique city with unusual mixture of modern development alongside ancient traditions. With the population of about 90,000 it is perhaps still the world’s only capital city without a traffic light.

Evening an exploratory walk around Thimphu Main Street and market area. Also visit the Local Crafts Bazaar, to browse through example of Bhutan's fine traditional arts. Here you can buy hand-woven textiles, Thangkha paintings, masks, ceramics, slate and wood carvings, jewellery, interesting items made from local materials.

Overnight at a 3*/4* Hotel in Thimphu (Altitude 2400m).

After breakfast, sightseeing in Thimphu valley including visit to the following: The National Library, housing an extensive collection of priceless Buddhist manuscripts; the Institute for Zorig Chusum (commonly known as the Painting School) where students undergo a 6-year training course in Bhutan’s 13 traditional arts and crafts. Later visit Textile Museum, which provides insight into Bhutan’s one of the most distinct art form. 

Afterwards visit to Buddha Point (Kuensel Phodrang). Located at a short drive from Thimphu city centre, visitors can get a good overview of the Thimphu valley from the Buddha point (KuenselPhodrang). You can pay your obeisance and offer prayers to the Buddha, the largest statue in the country and then walk around and take a glimpse of the valley.

King's Memorial Chorten continuously circumambulated by people, murmuring mantras and spinning their prayer wheels. Construction of this landmark was the idea of Bhutan’s third king, His Majesty Jigme Dorji Wangchuk (“the father of modern Bhutan”) who has wished to erect monument to world peace and prosperity. Completed in 1974 after his untimely death, it serves both as a memorial to the Late King and as a monument to peace.

Later visit to Trashichhoedzong: This impressive fortress/monastery houses Secretariat building, the throne room of His Majesty, the King and various government offices. It is also the summer residence of Chief Abbot and central monk body.

Overnight at a 3*/4* Hotel in Thimphu.

After breakfast, check-out from the hotel & drive Gangtey (Phobjikha) enroute visiting Dochula Pass (Altitude 3080m). In Bhutan, the passes are marked by a large Bhutanese Chorten and prayer flag. Dochula pass offers the most spectacular view over the high peaks of the eastern Himalayas on a clear day. And also via Wangdue Phodrang, where you can visit the local market and explore newly developed town. The district of Wangdue Phodrang is also famous for its bamboo products, slate and stone carvings. Further ahead pass through dense forests and oak, rhododendron tress, reaching at Gangtey (Phobjikha).

The valley of Gangtey is one of the most beautiful spots in Bhutan. The surprise of finding such a wide, flat valley without any trees after the hard climb through dense forests is augmented by an impression of vast space, and extremely rare experience in Bhutan where most of the valleys are tightly enclosed.

After lunch, take a walk around Gangtey village and visit Gangtey Goempa. Perched on a small hill that rises from the valley floor, the Gangtey Monastery is the only Nyingmapa monastery on the western side of the Black Mountain’s Gangtey valley, Bhutan and also the biggest Nyingmapa monastery in Bhutan. The Monastery is surrounded by a large village inhabited mainly by the families of the 140 Gomchens who take care of the Monastery.

Overnight at a 3*/4* Hotel in Gangtey.

After early breakfast, enjoy the Gangtey Nature Trail (Distance: 5.5 km, Time: approx. 2 hours, Difficulty level: Easy). 

This pleasurable walk provides opportunity to get nice feel of Phobjikha valley. From the small hilltop overlooking Gangtey Goemba, you head downhill through flower meadows to Semchubara village and from here through beautiful forests and into open valley. The trail ends at the local community school after passing a chorten and Khewal Lhakhang.

Later continue drive to Punakha, upon arrival; check into the hotel. Later visit Punakha Dzong, a massive structure built at the junction of two rivers. It was the capital of Bhutan until 1955, and still serves as the winter residence of the monk body.

Overnight at a 3*/4* Hotel in Punakha.

After breakfast, proceed to for short walking excursion to Chimi Lhakhang, from hotel it is about 15 mins’ drive till motor able road and then walk starts through paddy fields and villages. This is total about 1½ hrs walk, including both way). The Chimi Lhakhang, situated on a hillock in the centre of the valley, also known as the temple of fertility. It is widely believed that couples who do not have children and wanting one, if they pray at this temple, they are usually blessed with a child very soon. The trail leads across rice fields to the tiny settlement of Pana, meaning ‘field’. A walk through the village near the temple will give you rare glimpses into the daily life and lifestyle of the villagers.

Continue drive to Paro along scenic highway, enroute visit SimtokhaDzong, the oldest fortress of the country built in 1627 which now houses the School for Buddhist studies. 

On arrival in Paro, check into the hotel. After lunch, proceed to visit Ta Dzong, originally built as Watchtower, which now houses National Museum. The extensive collection includes antique Thangkha paintings, textiles, weapons &armour, household objects and a rich assortment of natural and historic artifacts.

Ta Dzong visit immediately followed by a short walk down the trail to visit Rinpung Dzong (ParoDzong), meaning (“fortress of the heap of jewels”), which has a long and fascinating history. Along the wooden galleries lining the inner courtyard are fine wall paintings illustrating Buddhist lore such as four friends, the old man of long life, the wheel of life, scenes from the life of Milarepa, Mount. Sumeru and other cosmic Mandala.

Overnight at a 3*/4* Hotel in Paro.

After breakfast excursion to Taktshang Monastery or Tiger’s Nest (approx. 5 hours walk):  It is one of the most famous of Bhutan’s monasteries, perched on the side of a cliff 900m above the Paro valley floor. It is said that Guru Rinpoche arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated at this monastery and hence it is called ‘Tiger’s Nest’. This site has been recognised as a most sacred place and visited by ShabdrungNgawangNamgyal in 1646 and now visited by all Bhutanese at least once in their lifetime. On 19 April, 1998, a fire severely damaged the main structure of building but now this Bhutanese jewel has been restored to its original splendour.

Afternoon drive to Drukgyel Dzong, a ruined fortress where Bhutanese warriors fought Tibetan invaders centuries ago. The snowy dome of sacred Chomolhari, "mountain of goddess'' can be seen in all her glory from the approach road to the Dzong.

Evening, visit the 7th century Kyichu Lhakhang, one of the 108 temples built in the Himalayas by Tibetan King, Songtsen Gampo. The building of this temple marks the introduction of Buddhism in Bhutan.
Overnight at a 3*/4* Hotel in Paro.

After early breakfast at the hotel, drive to the airport for flight to your onward destination. Our representative will help you with exit formalities and then bid you farewell.

# Bhutan Trip Package Cost (3-Star Hotel):
01Pax - USD 1920
02Pax - USD 1440 Per Person
03-08Pax - USD 1350 Per Person 
09-14Pax - USD 1260 Per Person
Single Supplement - USD 30 Per Night 
Additional Cost for Bhutan Visa Fee - USD 40 Per Person 

# Bhutan Trip Package Cost (4-Star Hotel):
01Pax - USD 2220
02Pax - USD 1620 Per Person
03-08Pax - USD 1530 Per Person 
09-14Pax - USD 1440 Per Person
Single Supplement - USD 40 Per Night 
Additional Cost for Bhutan Visa Fee - USD 40 Per Person 

•    Ta Dzong – Paro (National Museum): closed on Government Holidays
•    National Library – Thimphu: Closed on Saturday, Sunday & on Government holidays
•    Textile Museum – Thimphu: Closed on Government Holidays & on Sunday. On Saturday, it open from 9.00 AM to 4 PM
•    Institute of Zorig Chusum (Arts & Crafts School) - Thimphu: Closed on Sunday & Government holidays. On Saturday, it open from 10 AM to 12 o’clock. Also closed in winter (from December – early March).
•    Simply Bhutan – Thimphu: Closed on Sunday & on Government holidays
•    Tiger’s Nest Monastery – Paro: Closed on all Tuesdays
•    Folk Heritage Museum: Closed on all Sunday & on government holidays

Customize Your Tour: This is a general itinerary, which can always individually be “tailormade”. The tour package can be redesigned or redeveloped as per your taste, For more information please e-mail us at
Prix à partir de/Adulte Status *
USD 1,440
EUR 1.342
SFr 1.332
GBP 1.123
AUD 2.146
CAD 1.915
Tour est disponible
* Dates can be flexible, please contact us for individual dates.

Le coût de notre voyage au Bhoutan comprend:
* Accueil à l'aéroport, à l'hôtel ou à l'aéroport et transfert en voiture/van privée.
* Guide - guide local bhoutanais parlant anglais tout au long de l'excursion, de l'arrivée au départ.
* Visites touristiques - toutes les visites touristiques et les droits d'entrée, y compris les visites de festivals.
* Transport - accueil à l'arrivée, transferts aéroport à l'arrivée et au départ et tous les transports terrestres à l'intérieur du Bhoutan.
* Hébergement - hébergement de luxe en chambre simple/double/twin bed sharing basis dans un hôtel 3*/4* au Bhoutan.
* Repas - petit-déjeuner, déjeuner et dîner pendant le circuit au Bhoutan.
* Frais de service de l'agence.

Le coût de notre voyage au Bhoutan n'inclut pas:
* L'assurance voyage.
* Le billet d'avion international à destination et en provenance du Bhoutan.
* Frais de visa pour le Bhoutan et frais pour le Fonds de développement touristique.
* Les articles et dépenses de nature personnelle.
* Toutes sortes de boissons alcoolisées, boissons froides, blanchisserie, appels téléphoniques, Internet.
* Equipement personnel de trekking.
* Evacuation d'urgence (sauvetage par hélicoptère).
* Tous les coûts liés à un changement d'itinéraire, à des glissements de terrain, à des troubles politiques, à des grèves, etc.
* Tout autre coût qui n'est pas mentionné dans le coût inclus.
* Pourboires pour le guide, les porteurs, le chauffeur...

Visite de la ville de Bhoutan, 7 Jours


* Vos informations personnelles resteront très confidentielles et ne seront jamais partagées avec qui que ce soit.

Swiss Family Treks & Expedition GmbH, Switzerland
Swiss Himalayan Family Treks & Expedition P. Ltd

Ganeshtan-6, Pharping Kathmandu, Nepal

Téléphone +977 4710390
Portable +977 9803200543 Stephan
Portable +977 9849193453 Ashta