Oberer Dolpo Trek Überquerung von 5 Bergpässen, 30 Tage
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Oberer Dolpo Trek Überquerung von 5 Bergpässen, 30 Tage

Tage: 30 / Schwierigkeit: 5 of 5 (Sehr anstregend)
Min Personen: 2 / Max Personen: 8

Oberer Dolpo, im mittleren Westen des Landes zwischen dem Dhaulagiri-Gebirge und der tibetischen Hochebene gelegen, ist eine der aufregendsten und anspruchsvollsten Wanderungen in den abgelegenen und isolierten Gebieten Nepals. Der Oberer Dolpo Trek überquert 5 Bergpässe und ist eine Reise in die reine tibetische Region, die durch die unentdeckte Route im Berggebiet von den Ausläufern des massiven Himalaya zu mehreren hohen Pässen und abgelegenen Dörfern führt und die Wüsten von Oberer Dolpo mit dem schönen Kali Gandaki Tal in Mustang verbindet.

Die 30-tägige Reise ins Obere Dolpo beginnt mit Ihrer Ankunft am Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu. Nach einem kurzen Aufenthalt in Kathmandu geht die Reise ins Obere Dolpo weiter mit einem atemberaubenden Rundflug über die Hügel und massiven Himalaya-Ketten nach Juphal, dem Ausgangspunkt der Trekkingreise, über Nepalgunj. Die Trekkingroute führt entlang üppiger tropischer Wälder, schöner Täler und verschiedener traditioneller Siedlungen. Die Route nach Oberer Dolpo führt auch durch Unterer Dolpo. Entlang der Suligad-Schlucht stoßen Sie auf den wunderschönen Shey Phoksundo-See, den tiefsten See Nepals mit einer Tiefe von 145 Metern. Sie wandern auch an dem schönen, abgelegenen Dorf Ringmo vorbei und überqueren den ersten Pass Nagdalo La (5350 m) oder Kang La, der Sie zur heiligen Shey Gompa führt, einem der ältesten buddhistischen Klöster in Dolpo. Während der gesamten Trekkingreise passieren Sie eine Reihe von hohen Pässen, die außergewöhnliche Ausblicke auf die Dhaulagiri- und Kanjirowa-Ketten sowie den Crystal Mountain und viele andere Bergketten bieten. Dolpo ist ebenso reich an Kultur, da es als das letzte verbliebene Reservat der reinen tibetischen Kultur auf der Welt gilt. Das Gebiet ist wenig bevölkert und wird von der tibetischen Gemeinschaft der Drokpas bewohnt, die noch die vorbuddhistische Bon-Po-Religion praktizieren. Die Wanderung führt durch viele tibetische Dörfer wie Ringmo, Saldang, Khomagaon, Shimen, Tinje, Chharka Bhot und Santa, die Ihnen die Möglichkeit bieten, die tibetische Kultur, Tradition und Lebensweise kennenzulernen und zu verstehen. Nach der Überquerung des Jungben La (5550 m) erreicht der Weg das Tal des Kali Gandaki Flusses und führt Sie nach Jomsom in Mustang. Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Trekkingtouren ist die Trekkingroute nach Oberer Dolpo unerforscht und schwierig, was den Trekkern ein noch nie dagewesenes Abenteuer bietet. 

Wir von Swiss Family Treks & Expedition sind bestrebt, alle Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden zu erfüllen und ihnen den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten. Wir versorgen unsere Kunden mit Transport- und Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten sowie mit speziellen Tourpaketen und Genehmigungen für Sperrgebiete. Unsere Einheimischen, die von jahrelanger Erfahrung geleitet werden, helfen Ihnen, vollständig in Ihre Reise einzutauchen. Wir stellen sicher, dass unsere Kunden die beste Zeit während ihres Aufenthalts in Nepal haben.

Eckdaten des Treks

Trek Region
Dolpo Region
Art des Treks
30 Tage
Höchste Erhebung
5,550 m (18,209 ft)
Sehr Anstrengend
Vollpension während der Wanderung
4* Hotel in Kathmandu, Pokhara und Zeltlager während dem Trek
Beste Saison
Frühling (März-April-Mai) und Herbst (Sep-Okt-Nov)
Transport mit
Dornier oder ATR für die Inlandflüge, Privatauto

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Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu 1340m

Welcome to the beautiful country of Nepal. We will meet you at the airport and will transfer you to the hotel. You can stroll around the nearby marketplace if you wish to. Overnight at a 4-star hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 2: Guided Sightseeing Tour in Kathmandu Valley and permit procedure
After breakfast, the day will begin as we move to the cultural world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley. The day comprises of the visits to the pilgrimage site of Hindus--Pashupatinath temple, one of the world’s largest stupa--Boudhanath, the Monkey Temple—Swayambhunath, and the ancient palace of Kathmandu Durbar Square with its many temples and distinctive buildings. In the evening, pre-trip discussion with our fellow trekking staff will be done. Overnight at a 4-star hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 3: Fly from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj 130m/55 minutes by flight
Start early by moving to the domestic airport and catching the first flight to Nepalgunj. Upon arrival in Nepalgunj, the change in topography is felt. You will meet other team members who will guide you through the basic procedure of the trekking. Safety measures and precautions will be given. Overnight at 3-star hotel in Nepalgunj.

Day 4: Fly from Nepalgunj to Juphal 2490m/35 minutes by flight and trek to Dunai 2140m/ 3-4 hours
We take a 35 minutes flight to Juphal, the only airstrip in Dolpo. The flight provides us with amazing landscapes, from the flatlands to the towering hills to the barren landscape of Dolpo. We will have plenty of time in Juphal, so feel free to explore the small town and interact with the locals. Starting the trek, we go downhill to reach Thuli Bheri River and follow the trails of the river past several small villages to reach the confluence of Thuli Bheri River and Suli Gad. We then make a quick ascend through the forest of big cedar to reach Dunai. Overnight at tented camp in Dunai.

Day 5: Trek from Dunai to Chhepka 2675m/5-6 hours
Leaving Dunai and in a while reach at Sulighat, a big suspension bridge will take us to the entrance of Shey Phoksundo National Park (SPNP).  We then follow the trails of Suli Gad enjoying the distant views of Dhaulagiri Range. Then we will hike through the trail enclosed by pine, cypress, and bamboo forests until we reach Chhepka. Overnight at tented camp in Chhepka.

Day 6: Trek from Chhepka to Jharina Hotel/Amchi Hospital 3110m/5-6 hours
Today the trail takes us further to cross Sulligad Bridge from where we follow Phoksundo Khola upstream on a narrow path high up in the valley. We move through forests with several bamboos stands further up the gorge. The gorge extends out as we pass a river union and continue on the trail alongside Phoksundo Khola to cross a bridge that takes us to Amchi Hospital. Overnight at tented camp in Amchi Hospital.

Day 7: Trek from Amchi Hospital to Ringmo Gaon (Phoksundo Lake) 3725m/3-4 hours
The trail descends through birch forests leading to the upper part of the Phoksundo Khola. Then we ascend to Ringmo village, an attractive settlement with flat-roofed stone houses and lots of mud-plastered chortens and Mani walls. Just below Ringmo, we pass a bridge and move to the ranger station ahead of Phoksundo Lake (3730). We walk to the shores of the lake near the point where the Phoksundo Khola flows out. We move along the trail to finally reach Ringmo Gaon. Overnight at tented camp in Ringmo.

Day 8: Explore Ringmo Gaon (Village) and Phoksundo Lake
The village of Ringmo sits on the bank of Shey Phoksundo Lake, so today we spend our time exploring the tranquil lake. Also known as the deepest lake in Nepal, Phoksundo Lake is surrounded by sparsely vegetated hills that add to the allure of the already enchanting lake. The beautiful peak of Kanjirowa Himal (6612m) peeks behind the hills surrounding the lake. Later, we can explore Ringmo village made up of about 20 Tibetan styled houses built in a close knit fashion to form the village bounded by dispersed cairns and Chortens. Overnight at tented camp in Ringmo.

Day 9: Trek from Ringmo Gaon to Chabluk Phu (Dharmasala) 3625m/5-6 hours
We hike back up to the lake and walk along its bank all the way to its bottom. We then follow the trail through the riverbed of Phoksundo Khola relishing the view of Kanjirowa Himal (6612m). Then we move to reach the campsite in Chabluk Phu, a grazing area, just where the trail hits leveled ground. Overnight at tented camp in Chabluk Phu.

Day 10: Trek from Chabluk Phu to Nagdalo La Base Camp (Pass Camp) 4625m/5-6 hours
From Chabluk Phu, we continue up the gorge with irregular juniper and azalea tree line before crossing a bridge over the river. We then make a steep climb on a cliff above Tuk Kyaksa Khola to reach Nagdolo La Base Camp, also known as Snowfields Camp, which is situated next to the river. This Camp was entitled by Peter Mathiesson in his book “Snow Leopard”. Snowfields Camp is at the base of Kang La also known as Nagdalo La (5350m) that leads to Upper Dolpo. This is also a useful acclimatization walk that will surely help with tomorrow’s hike. Overnight at tented camp in the base camp.

Day 11: Trek from Nagdalo La Base Camp to Shey Gompa 4375m/6-7 hours traverse Nagdalo La Pass 5350m
We make a long and energetic ascent for about 2 and half hours over a dusty path to reach Ngadalo La (5350m). An amazing view of Phoksundo Lake and the Upper Dolpo region can be seen from the top of the pass including the view of the Kanjirowa Himal range. Then we descend on a path covered with snow to reach Shey Gompa, a very small village with a couple of houses and the Gompa. It is an 11th century gompa, located below the Crystal Mountain on a small grassy plain at the union of Sephu Khola and Hubaiun Khola. Overnight at tented camp in Shey Gompa.

Day 12: Explore Shey Gompa and Tsakang Gompa 
We rest today and explore the area around Shey Gompa. Shey Gompa was built in 1655 and the monastery is renowned for its giant copper with the gold-plated gold statue of a seated Sakyamuni Buddha. To the east of the Gompa is Crystal Mountain which is a unique mountain as its twisted cliffs are mixed with quartz and embedded with a rich variety of aquatic fossils. We spend the day climbing around Shey village where you can get the glimpse of its pre-Buddhist culture, the Bon Po. Also, you will visit Tsakang Gompa, a gompa said to be 800 years old perched dramatically on the side of a cliff as a side trip. Overnight at tented camp in Shey Gompa. 

Day 13: Trek from Shey Gompa to Namgung 4430m/7-8 hours traverse Sela La Pass 5095m
To get to Namgung, we leave Shey Gompa and make a steep climb to Sela La (5095m). While we are descending through Sela La Pass (5095m), we can enjoy the beautiful sight of the northern part of the Tibetan plateau, which is the highest highland in the world. We go downhill to the meadows of Namgung and visit Namgung Monastery before moving into the village. Overnight at tented camp in Namgung.

Day 14: Trek from Namgung to Saldang 3980m/3-4 hours
Our trek to Saldang starts with ascending slope lines with a few trees. We have to climb for a while before going downhill to the attractive village of Saldang, situated on a highland above Namha Khola. Contrary to the popular belief, the village is wealthy, not only agriculturally but also for its planned locality on a trade route to Tibet. The village also used to be a separate kingdom of Dolpo in the ancient times. Overnight at tented camp in Saldang. 

Day 15: Trek from Saldang to Khomagaon 4100m/5-6 hours
From Saldang, we move further along the quite paths leading to Khomasgaon. The track goes along the vast landscape composed of sand dunes and bare hills, moving through several white-washed villages, long Mani walls, and painted chortens. We cross small streams and climb uphill and downhill until we reach Khomagaon. Overnight at tented camp in Khomagaon.

Day 16: Trek from Khomagaon to Shimen 3850m/4-5 hours
After breakfast, we leave our campsite at Khomasgaon and start moving further following the trail that goes through traditional villages and Mani walls. We cross Shimen La Pass (4375m) and climb down along the arid terrain to reach Panjyan Khola on whose bank Shimen is situated. We walk alongside the river for a while to reach Shimen Gompa. Overnight at tented camp in Shimen.

Day 17: Trek from Shimen to Tinje 4110m/4-5 hours
Today our trek continues as we move downhill along the off-road trails above the gorge of Panjyan Khola. We visit the ancient Pu Gompa before continuing on our trail to Tinkyu (Tinje). The sights of spectacular sceneries and the exclusive culture of Upper Dolpo surely put forward enchanted experiences to the trekkers. After a long and good trek day, we reach Tinkyu. Overnight at tented camp in Tinkyu (Tinje).

Day 18: Explore Tinje village
This is the main village in an extensive valley with wide fields, two Gompas, and an old fortress. The famous Dolpo-pa artist Tenzing Norbu Lama was born in this village and had trained in the art of traditional Tibetan thanka painting. He helped to train villagers from Tinkyu to paint and yield handcraft leather goods. We explore the village thoroughly and also visit the many ancient monasteries situated around Tinjye before calling it a day. Overnight at tented camp in Tinje.

Day 19: Trek from Tinje to Rapka 4535m/6-7 hours
We move alongside Panjyan Khola to an old settlement and arrive at a river union where we take the left tributary Kehein Khola to move across the left bank of the river. We cross several bridges above Kehein Khola to reach Rapka where we camp for the night. Overnight at tented camp in Rapka.

Day 20: Trek from Rapka to Chharka Bhot 4110m/7-8 hours traverse Mola La Pass 5030m
After breakfast, we move from Rapka and hike over the track that goes uphill mildly towards Mola La Pass (5030m). After arriving at the top of the pass, we go downhill on the side of the gorge and descend to Chharka Village located at the bank of Chharka Tulsi Khola. In the evening, we will visit Sarchhen Gompa situated in the center of the scattered village. Overnight at tented camp in Chharka Bhot.  

Day 21: Explore Chharka Bhot
Today we can either explore the village or just relax before confronting the exciting days ahead. We will explore the two gompas, Buddhist and Bönpo, signifying the two religions of Dolpo. This day could also be used as a buffer in case of any postponements. Overnight at tented camp in Chharka Bhot.

Day 22: Trek from Chharka Bhot to Norbulung 4750m/5-6 hours
Today we move downhill to the stream, and then we continue to trek next to the right bank while ascending on an uneven trail. We move into a big meadow as the valley contracts. Our trek continues as we ascend to reach our campsite in Norbulung. Various peaks of the Dhaulagiri massif start to come in sight as we near the Annapurna region. Overnight at tented camp in Norbulung.

Day 23: Trek from Norbulung to Molum Sumdo 4860m/5-6 hours
We start to follow the trail alongside a small stream that ascends to Molum Sumdo, a yak pasture. Our trek ascends slowly before making a long traverse across fields to reach the base of Niwas La (5120m). From Molum Sumdo, we can get a good view of Dhaulagiri II (7751m), Tongu Himal (6197m), and several other snow-capped peaks. Overnight at tented camp in Molum Sumdo.

Day 24: Trek from Molum Sumdo to Ghalden Ghuldun 4247m/7-8 hours traverse Niwas La Pass 5120m and Jungben La Pass 5550m
After breakfast, we ascend to the pass of Niwas La Pass (5120m) and Jungben La Pass (5550m) before moving down to the village of Ghalden Ghuldun. The top of the pass allows us to get an ood view of the Dhaulagiri massif along with the surrounding landscape. From there, we move downhill to reach the compressed settlement of Santa. Overnight at tented camp in Ghalden Ghuldun.

Day 25: Trek from Ghalden Ghuldun to Santa Village 3777m/4-5 hours
Leaving Dolpo behind, we make our way through Annapurna Conservation Area. We move downhill through a steep gorge to pass the first tributary river, and then we navigate to the second river passing on rocks. Soon after, we will see the entry chorten to Santa village followed by a big wall around the farmlands. Overnight at tented camp in Santa. 

Day 26: Trek from Santa Village to Phalyak 3175m/7-8 hours
From Santa, we start ascending until reach Bhima Lojun La (4460m), from where we have a superb vista of the Kali Gandaki River valley. Observing snow-capped peaks, we descend through Mustang's patchy. Diverging from the main trail, we make a steep descend through the forest to reach Phalyak. Phalyak is an exciting Mustangi village which holds a yearly archery fiesta as most of the Mustangi and Managi villages do. Overnight at tented camp in Phalyak.

Day 27: Trek from Phalyak to Jomsom 2724m/3-4 hours
Today we follow a small tributary to reach Kali Gandaki River in Ekle Bhatti. We then walk on a flat trail through the riverbed to reach the windy town of Jomsom. After exploring the town, we will celebrate the accomplishment of the trip together. Later on, you can hand out tips to the staff for all their hard work throughout the trek. Overnight at hotel in Jomsom.

Day 28: Fly from Jomsom to Pokhara 
Today we take flight from Jomsom to Pokhara and Pokhara. This flight will provide us with different landscapes that are typical to Nepal. The rows of hills and the vast network of rivers dominate the Nepalese terrain. Upon arrival in Pokhara, you will be transferred to hotel so that you can get a good rest. Overnight at 4-star hotel in Pokhara.

Day 29: Buffer Day in case of flight delayed/canceled and afternoon flight back to Kathmandu
This day is kept as a contingency day. In case, we were unable to board either of the flights the day before, we can do it on this day. But if we had arrived in Pokhara as planned, you can use this day to explore the city. Late afternoon flight back to Kathmandu and transfer to hotel. Overnight at 4-star hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 30: Final Departure from Kathmandu
Today you will head back to your home country. After breakfast, our representative will leave you at the airport 3 hours before the scheduled time of your flight.

NOTE: Our trekking itinerary and campsites may vary slightly depending on local trail conditions, the group's acclimatization rate and the Western, Sherpa or Tibetan guide's discretion. We strongly suggest scheduling an extra day in Kathmandu at the end of the trek that allow for possible flight delays in getting to Juphal and/or out of Jomsom.

Pricing on group size basis (Full Camping Mode - Private Trip)
All inclusive Trek Package Price for single person: USD 6985
All inclusive Trek Package Price on 2 persons basis: USD 5100 per person
All inclusive Trek Package Price on 3-4 persons basis: USD 4600 per person

Join with Us on a Upper Dolpo Trek  in 2024/2025.

Customize Your Trek: This is a general itinerary, which can always individually be “tailormade”. The trek package can be redesigned or redeveloped as per your taste, For more information please e-mail us at snftnepal@yahoo.de
Note: In case of emergency during the trip, Helicopter will be arranged by Swiss Family Treks & Expedition GmbH. The charges must be paid by the clients themselves.

Preis ab/Erwachsener Status *
USD 4,600
EUR 4.288
SFr 4.256
GBP 3.588
AUD 6.854
CAD 6.118
Tour ist verfügbar
* Dates can be flexible, please contact us for individual dates.

Our Trek Package Cost includes;
* Airport/Hotel/Airport pick up and transfer by private car/van.
* 3 nights deluxe accommodation in single/double/twin bed sharing basis with breakfast at 4* hotel Kathmandu Guest House in Kathmandu.
* 1 night deluxe accommodation in single/double/twin bed sharing basis with breakfast at 3* hotel Siddhartha in Nepalgunj.
* 1 night deluxe accommodation in single/double/twin bed sharing basis with breakfast at 4* hotel Temple Tree Resort in Pokhara.
* Sightseeing tour as per above mentioned itinerary and entry fees.
* All domestic flight tickets from Kathmandu-Nepalgunj-Juphal and Jomsom-Pokhara-Kathmandu and airport tax.
* Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with Tea & coffee and hot/cold filter water during the camping trek.
* Camping/Tented accommodation during the trek.
* 1 experienced, helpful and friendly English speaking guide, 1 cook and helper, porters/donkeys, their food & accommodation, salary, equipment & insurance.
* Trekking camping equipments (Tent, mattress, dining tent, kitchen tent, toilet tent, kitchen utensils etc.)
* All transportation by private vehicle.
* Upper and Lower Dolpo Restricted Area Permit.
* Shey Phoksundo National Park Permit.
* Annapurna Conservation Area Permit.
* All necessary permits.
* First Aid Medical Kit box.
* Office Service charge.
* All Government Tax.

Our Trek Package Cost doesn't include:
* Any meals (Lunch and Dinner) in Kathmandu, Nepalgunj and Pokhara other than breakfast.
* Travel insurance.
* International air fare to and from Nepal.
* Nepal Tourist Visa fees.
* Items and expenses of personal nature.
* Any kind of alcoholic drinks, cold drinks, snacks, laundry, phone call, Internet.
* Personal Trekking Equipment.
* Emergency Evacuation (Helicopter Rescue).
* Any costs which arise due to a change of the itinerary, because of landslides, domestic flight delays, political disturbance, and strikes etc.
* Any other costs whatsoever, that is not mentioned in the cost included.
* Horse renting and additional porters due to natural calamities during the trek.
* Tips for guide, porters, driver... 

                                    Tipping is expected but it is not mandatory.

Oberer Dolpo Trek Überquerung von 5 Bergpässen, 30 Tage


* Ihre persönlichen Daten werden streng vertraulich behandelt und niemals an Dritte weitergegeben.

Swiss Family Treks & Expedition GmbH, Switzerland
Swiss Himalayan Family Treks & Expedition P. Ltd

Ganeshtan-6, Pharping Kathmandu, Nepal

Telefon +977 4710390
Mobil +977 9803200543 Stephan
Mobil +977 9849193453 Ashta
Email snftnepal@yahoo.de

Please have a look what our clients saying about their trip with us in our Testimonials in website and Tripadvisor Reviews.