Innerer Dolpo Trek, 26 Tage
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Innerer Dolpo Trek, 26 Tage

Tage: 26 / Schwierigkeit: 4 of 5 (Anstregend)
Min Personen: 3 / Max Personen: 8

Inneres Dolpo, im mittleren Westen Nepals gelegen, ist sicherlich eine der besten Trekkingregionen Nepals, denn sie führt Trekker jenseits des ruhigen Phoksundo-Sees über alte Handelsrouten bis zur tibetischen Grenze und überquert dabei hohe Pässe, steile Täler, tibetische Dorfsiedlungen, üppige grüne Wälder und eine trockene Landschaft. Der Innerer Dolpo Trek ermöglicht es den Trekkern, das unerforschte Land Dolpo zu durchqueren und die Reinheit des tibetischen Buddhismus zu erleben, der in dieser Gegend weit verbreitet ist. 

Der 26-tägige Trek in das wunderschöne Innere Dolpo beginnt mit der Ankunft am Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu. Die Reise geht weiter mit einem kurzen Flug von Kathmandu nach Nepalgunj, gefolgt von einem weiteren Flug nach Juphal. Die Wanderung beginnt in Jhupal und folgt den Pfaden des Suli Gad und des Phoksundo-Flusses, die durch dichte Bergwälder mit Rhododendren, Eichen und Kiefern, grasbewachsene Felder und verschiedene abgelegene Dörfer führen, bis Sie den wunderschönen Phoksundo-See erreichen: den tiefsten See Nepals. Sie wandern durch den Shey-Phoksundo-Nationalpark, in dem Sie verschiedene Himalaya-Wildtiere wie Schneeleoparden, Blauschafe, Ghoral, Himalaya-Schwarzbiere usw. antreffen können. Sie überqueren auch den hohen Kang-La-Pass (5350 m), der Sie zur alten Shey Gompa am Fuße des heiligen Kristallbergs führt, der eine der Hauptattraktionen des Inneren Dolpo ist. Besucher aus ganz Dolpo umrunden jedes Jahr den Kristallberg. Die Pfade führen auch durch alte Wege, die von tibetischen Salzhändlern angelegt wurden. Sie wandern auch durch das wunderschöne Tal von Tarap Chu und das Dorf Dho Tarap, das von einer zerklüfteten Steinmauer umgeben ist. Neben der beeindruckenden Landschaft ist Inner-Dolpo auch reich an tibetischer Kultur. Die Menschen in Dolpo praktizieren noch immer die vorbuddhistische Bön-Religion, und die Region ist auch als das Land der seltenen Bön-Klöster bekannt. Während des Treks können Sie viele alte Klöster besuchen, während Sie vom offenen Tal mit seiner trockenen und kargen Landschaft zur Vegetation, einer alten Festung, terrassierten Feldern und einer reichhaltigen Tierwelt auf- und absteigen. 

Swiss Family Treks & Expedition ist seit 2003 in der Tourismusbranche führend und zeichnet sich durch seine Abenteuer im Himalaya aus. Wir stellen unseren Kunden erfahrene Guides zur Seite, die sie während des Trekkings begleiten. Wir kümmern uns auch um alle Arten von Genehmigungen, die für das Trekking erforderlich sind, einschließlich aller Arten von Transportdienstleistungen und anderen gültigen Dienstleistungen. Zusätzlich bieten wir verschiedene Pakete an, die auf den Wünschen unserer Kunden basieren.

Unsere festen Abfahrtsdaten sind geplant:
24. August bis 18. September 2024
8. September bis 3. Oktober 2024
2. Oktober bis 27. Oktober 2024

Eckdaten des Treks

Trek Region
Dolpo Region
Art des Treks
Privat- oder Gruppenreise
26 Tage
Höchste Erhebung
5,350 m (17,553 ft)
Vollpension während der Wanderung
3* Hotel in Kathmandu und Zeltlager während dem Trek
Beste Saison
Frühling (März-April-Mai) und Herbst (Sep-Okt-Nov)
Transport mit
Dornier oder ATR für die Inlandflüge, Privatauto

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Day 1: Arrival in Kathmandu 1338m

Welcome to Nepal. Our team member will pick you up from the airport and then transfer you to the hotel. If you wish you can stroll around the hotel. Overnight at a 3-star hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 2: Permit procedure and Fly from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj 
Take a late afternoon flight to Nepalgunj from Kathmandu. Nepalgunj lies in the Terai region of Nepal where you can experience the change in topography and temperature. Upon arrival, feel free to enjoy and explore the place. Overnight at a 3-star hotel in Nepalgunj.

Day 3: Fly from Nepalgunj to Juphal 2475m and trek to Sulighat 2080m/3-4 hours 
Early morning flight from Nepalgunj takes us to Juphal in about 40 minutes. In Juphal, we meet other members of our team and make final preparation for the trek ahead by assigning the baggage to our porters. We then descend alongside Thuli Bheri River and make our way to Sulighat. Overnight at a tented camp in Sulighat.

Day 4: Trek from Sulighat to Chhepka 2720m/6-7 hours 
The Suli River descends from Phoksundo Lake through a sheer and highly vegetated gorge. The trail goes through disseminated villages and abandoned crude stone houses of Jyalhasa. Many of these villages are only full during the winter months when the groups of Upper Dolpo bring their animals down from the high meadows. After lunch, we pass Anke Khola and ascend alongside Suli River to reach our campsite in Chhepka. Overnight at a tented camp in Chhepka. 

Day 5: Trek from Chhepka to Jharana Hotel 3130m/6-7 hours 
We cross and ascend the narrow valley through forests of bamboo and conifer. At one point, the trail ascends to the jungle and into flower-strewn fields. Finally, the gorge opens up and the trail becomes easier until we cross a bridge to Rechi. Beyond here, the valley contracts once again and the trail ascends and descends till the union of Phoksundo River and Pungmo River. Samduwa is situated right above the confluence. Then short walk brings you in Jharana Hotel. Overnight at a tented camp in Jharana Hotel.

Day 6: Trek from Jharana Hotel to Ringmogaon/Phoksundo Lake 3640m/6-7 hours
Today's destination is the village of Ringmo, situated by the side of the attractive Phoksundo Lake. Keeping to the left side of Phoksundo River, incline for some time to reach a large waterfall. Then follow a pleasant trail along the Phoksundo River to a green clearing spot for lunch. The afternoon's walk up to Ringmo is very satisfying as enormous rock walls guard the upper valley and as we arrive in Ringmo village, the lake can be seen. Overnight at a tented camp in Phoksundo Lake. 

Day 7: Acclimatization day and explore around Phoksumdo Lake
Today will be a hard-earned rest day for acclimatization at Phoksundo Lake. We have the whole day to relish the beauty and calmness of the turquoise lake. During the day, we can take on a short hike to the village of Ringmo and its monastery. Our short walk also allows us an opportunity to get aware with the local culture. The Dolpo people wear simple clothing that is sometimes dyed a maroon tint, and they prefer Tibetan-style somba or dhocha (boots with upturned toes) for footwear. Both men and women often wear religious charms and cords of coral, amber, and turquoise. Overnight at a tented camp in Phoksundo Lake.

Day 8: Trek from Ringmogaon to Phoksundo Khola Camp 3630m/4-5 hours  
Today we start to walk to Phoksundo Khola Camp with a remarkable track around the western end of the lake. The trail goes mostly through the riverbed of Phoksundo Khola and features a remarkable view of Kanjirowa Himal (6612m). As we reach the camp, we notice the sparkling pure turquoise water of Phoksundo Lake lying right below. Overnight at a tented camp in Phoksundo Khola Camp. 

Day 9: Trek from Phoksundo Khola Camp to Pass Camp 4500m/6-7 hours 
We exit Phoksundo valley on a narrow path with high rock walls on both edges. It is a short ascend from Phoksundo Khola Camp to Snowfields Camp, but due to the steep paths, we need to maintain a gradual pace so that we don’t tire ourselves. We move along in Peter Matthiesson’s footsteps here, and we camp at Snowfields Camp (4650m) which was given its name in his book. The camp is at the base of Kang La Pass (5350m) that will take us to Inner Dolpo. Overnight at a tented camp in Pass/Snowfields Camp.

Day 10: Trek from Pass Camp to Shey Gompa 4345m/7-8 hours traverse Kang-La/Nagdalo-La Pass 5350m
Ascend for a few hours to reach the summit of Kang La (5350m). This high pass that leads us into Inner Dolpo is also known as the Nagadalo La. Descend to the valley floor and move along the river to reach Shey Gompa. The monastery is situated under the peculiar Crystal Peak on a small green plain created by the convergence of two rivers. We set up our camp just underneath the gompa in a field containing a few herders’ huts. Overnight at a tented camp in Shey Gompa.

Day 11: A day for rest and exploration at Shey Gompa 
We rest and explore the Shey Gompa vicinity today. Shey Gompa was built in 1655 and the monastery is renowned for its giant copper with the gold-plated gold statue of a seated Sakyamuni Buddha. To the east of the Gompa is Crystal Mountain with its twisted cliffs that are mixed with quartz and embedded with a rich variety of aquatic fossils. We also explore Shey village and familiarize ourselves with its olden pre-Buddhist culture, the Bon Po. Overnight at a tented camp in Shey Gompa. 

Day 12: Trek from Shey Gompa to Namgung 4360m/6-7 hours traverse Sela-La Pass 5095m
To get to Namgung, we have to move through the pass Sela La (5094m), which is also known as Gela La. From the top of the pass, we can get an amazing view of Inner Dolpo as well as the Tibetan plateau. Afterward, descend along the meadows to reach Namgung village, where we can visit the ancient Namgung Gompa. Overnight at a tented camp in Namgung.

Day 13: Trek from Namgung to Saldang 3770m/3-4 hours  
The trek to Saldang goes through a quiet path on a rocky trail. We descend relishing the unique landscape made up of tall sand hills. The soothing trails take us to the beautiful village of Saldang, which in ancient times used to be an independent kingdom of Dolpo. We can stroll around the village later in the evening. Overnight at a tented camp in Saldang.

Day 14: Trek from Saldang to Sibu 4150m/6-7 hours 
After leaving Saldang, we move along Nagon Khola through attached fields of barley, the main crop of Dolpo. We cross the dispersed village of Namdo which has two monasteries, one beside the stream and another high on a hilltop. Our waterside camp tonight is near the smaller village of Sibu. Overnight at a tented camp in Sibu.

Day 15: Trek from Sibu to Pass Camp 4700m/6-7 hours 
From Sibu, we follow Nagon Khola for a while and pass by many yak caravans as we head towards Jeng La. The bare rocky hills and the sand dunes keep us company as we ascend alongside Dachun Khola to finally reach a yak grazing area where Jeng La Phedi is situated. Overnight at a tented camp in Jeng La Phedi/Pass Camp.

Day 16: Trek from Pass Camp to Tokyu 4240m/7-8 hours traverse Jeng-La Pass 5220m
From Jeng La Phedi, it is a sheer ascend to Jeng La (5220m) which is reached after a few hours. From the top, we get a distant view of several peaks of the Dhaulagiri massif. Beyond the pass, we go downhill to reach Jyanla Khola and follow it until reaching Tokyu village. Overnight at a tented camp in Tokyu.

Day 17: Trek from Tokyu to Dho Tarap 3945m/3-4 hours 
The Tarap valley is our destination today as we descend along various Gompas situated on the bank of Thakchiu Khola. A gentle walk alongside the river takes us to Dho Tarap, the first village in the Tarap valley. After resting for a while, we explore the village and visit the monastery there. Overnight at a tented camp in Dho Tarap.

Day 18: Contingency day for possible delays
This is a free day in case we have met any problems with our trekking timetable. If we haven't had to use this day, we have the choice to spend a rest day in Dho Tarap or at one of the campsites lower down in the valley. Our trip leader will choose the most suitable place to take this rest day. Overnight at a tented camp in Dho Tarap.

Day 19: Trek from Dho Tarap to Toltol 3523m/6-7 hours 
Moving downhill beside the river, we continue trekking below striking cliffs, before the ridge which is noticeable with its two ancient Chortens. Moving down to the meadows of the Sisaul Khola, we cross Tarap Chu on different bridges to reach the grazing area of Shim Ora (3647m). Then continue walk to reach Toltol. Overnight at a tented camp in Toltol.

Day 20: Trek from Toltol to Khanigaon 2950m/6-7 hours 
Today we walk through the valley of Tarap Chu on a well-engineered track, including some stone ladders. The trail then goes down to Khanigaon. We make camp just outside the settlement, below the check post, in a stand of juniper beside the stream. We are now at a lower elevation and it is pleasantly warm. Overnight at a tented camp in Khanigaon.

Day 21: Trek from Khanigaon to Tarakot 2540m/4-5 hours 
As we leave Kanigaon, we come to a union of Tarap Chu and Bharbung Khola, and shortly after, we move along the high suspension bridge. The trail ascends above the river until a final descend to Tarakot alongside Thuli Bheri River. This is a short day of trekking, so after lunch, we ascend to the impressive Lam Gompa. Overnight at a tented camp in Tarakot.

Day 22: Trek from Tarakot to Dunai 2140m/5-6 hours  
We almost complete our journey as we move alongside Thuli Bheri River to reach Dunai. The trail is dotted with many scattered settlements along with their farms. An easy and short walk through the picturesque trail brings us to Dunai, which is the district headquarters of Dolpo with a few lodges and restaurants where we can celebrate the completion of our trek together. Overnight at a tented camp in Dunai.

Day 23: Trek from Dunai to Juphal 2475m/3-4 hours
Today is the last day of the trek which goes mostly along the banks of Thuli Bheri River to take us to the airstrip in Juphal from the headquarters. We can explore the town in our free time as we only trek for a few hours today. Overnight at a tented camp in Juphal.

Day 24: Fly from Juphal to Nepalgunj and then later to Kathmandu
We take the first flight from Juphal to Nepalgunj enjoying the scenic view. We then take another flight from Nepalgunj to reach Kathmandu. Upon arrival in Kathmandu, you will be taken to your hotel. Feel free to enjoy the nightlife of Kathmandu. Overnight at a 3-star hotel in Kathmandu. 

Day 25: A free day in Kathmandu which can also be used as the contingency
Today will be a free day in Kathmandu. You can use this day to visit the UNESCO listed world heritage sites in Kathmandu valley your own, or do fun activities such as go shopping for souvenirs or stroll around the place. Overnight at a 3-star hotel in Kathmandu. 

Day 26: Final Departure from Kathmandu
The final day is here! We will drop you at the airport before the flight time. We hope you had a great time in Nepal.

# Pricing for Group Size Basis: (Private Trip - Full Camping Mode)
All-inclusive Trek Price for 1pax (single/individual/solo); USD 6655
All-inclusive Trek Price for 2pax basis (couples/friends); USD 4795 per person
All-inclusive Trek Price for 3-4pax basis (small groups); USD 4220 per person
Join with us on a Inner Dolpo Trek in 2025/2026.
Customize Your Trek: This is a general itinerary, which can always individually be “tailormade”. The trek package can be redesigned or redeveloped as per your taste, For more information please e-mail us at
Note: In case of emergency during the trip, Helicopter will be arranged by Swiss Family Treks & Expedition GmbH. The charges must be paid by the clients themselves.
Preis ab/Erwachsener Status *
USD 4,220
EUR 3.934
SFr 3.904
GBP 3.292
AUD 6.288
CAD 5.613
Tour ist verfügbar
* Dates can be flexible, please contact us for individual dates.

Our Trek Package Cost Includes:
* Airport / Hotel / Airport pick up & transfer by car / Van.
* 3 nights deluxe single/double bed accommodation with breakfast at 3* Hotel in Kathmandu.
* 1 night deluxe single/double bed accommodation with breakfast at 3* Hotel in Nepalgunj.
* Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) with Tea & coffee and hot/cold filter water during the trek.
* Tented Camp accommodation during the trek.
* 1 experienced, helpful and friendly guide, 1 cook and necessary porters/donkeys, their food & accommodation, salary, equipment and insurance.
* Trekking camping equipment (Tent, mattress, dining tent, kitchen tent, toilet tent, kitchen utensils etc.)
* Down Sleeping Bag (Minus 30-40 Degree Celsius), Duffel Bag, Spikes, LifeStraw Water Filter for drinking water and trekking map.
* All domestic flight tickets and airport tax.
* Upper and Lower Dolpo Restricted Area permit.
* All necessary other permits.
* All land transportation by private vehicle.
* First Aid Medical Kit box.
* Office Service charge.
* All Government Tax.

Our Trek Package Cost doesn't include:
* Any meals (Lunch and Dinner) in Kathmandu and Nepagunj other than breakfast.
* Travel insurance.
* International air fare to and from Nepal.
* Nepal Tourist Visa fees.
* Items and expenses of personal nature.
* Any kind of alcoholic drinks, cold drinks, snacks, laundry, phone call, Internet, Battery Charging, Monastery Entrance Fee, Hot Shower.
* Personal Trekking Equipment.
* Emergency Evacuation (Helicopter Rescue).
* Any costs which arise due to a change of the itinerary, because of landslides, domestic flight delays, political disturbance, and strikes etc.
* Any other costs whatsoever, that is not mentioned in the cost included.
* Horse renting and additional porters due to natural calamities during the trek.
* Tips for guide, porters, driver... 
                                      Tipping is expected but it is not mandatory.

Innerer Dolpo Trek, 26 Tage


* Ihre persönlichen Daten werden streng vertraulich behandelt und niemals an Dritte weitergegeben.

Swiss Family Treks & Expedition GmbH, Switzerland
Swiss Himalayan Family Treks & Expedition P. Ltd

Ganeshtan-6, Pharping Kathmandu, Nepal

Telefon +977 4710390
Mobil +977 9803200543 Stephan
Mobil +977 9849193453 Ashta

Please have a look what our clients saying about their trip with us in our Testimonials in website and Tripadvisor Reviews.