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Lucy and Alain Family, 2 Adults and 2 Children, Canadian
Travelling on such a big adventure with children, we wanted to go with a company who would understand our needs as a family and ensure that everything was safe, secure and enjoyable so that we could have an amazing experience with our kids. Swiss Family Treks helped us have the trip of a lifetime! Our memories of our month in Nepal have filled our hearts and souls for many years to come. The countryside of Nepal is breathtaking and stunning, but some of our best memories are of the wonderful people we met along our treks. I still smile when I think of us walking through the Himalayas with our amazing guide singing in Tibetan as we travelled along. We made great friends with the porters and I have memories of my children trekking along with them side by side chatting about their lives. All of the staff that we met through SFT were amazing, professional, kind and spoke highly of the company they worked for. While we did not know it at the time, we feel even more pleased that we chose SFT to help us on our trip when we heard the people who work for them speak so proudly of the company. Limits on the weight of porter loads and only using local guides from the areas to encourage employment in their home region were just some of the initiatives that we heard the guides and porters talk about. We felt proud to use a company who treated their amazing employees with respect and fairness.

Hugues and Family, 2 Adults and 3 Children, French
First of all, thank you so much for organizing our Langtang trek. Our experience was even better than expected in most ways. The professionalism and safety-consciousness of Sanbulama and the porters and horse driver. The choice of guest houses along the way. Sambulama's really excellent level of English and readiness to answer any of our questions about local culture, history.

Mrs. Catherine Isabel Aglibut and Family, 1 Adult and 1 Child, Austria
We enjoyed our trip to Langtang very much, even if it was raining a lot. Anyway, we had the possibility to see the mountains on one day and managed to climb the Kyanjin Ri. We enjoyed the company of our guide and porter, they were very friendly and helpful and gave a lot of information about the valley, nature and people. Thanks a lot for the organisation, We felt very comfortable and in good hands with your team!

Giovanni aus der Schweiz
Das Trekking in Langtang und zu den Gosainkund-Seen habe ich sehr genossen. Zum einen wegen der wunderschönen Landschaft mit den schneebedeckten Gipfeln, dem tosenden Langtang Khola, den freundlichen Menschen, meinen beiden Begleitern Nima und Tsering, aber auch dank der umsichtigen Planung und Durchführung durch eure Agentur. Alles hat von Anfang an bestens geklappt. Auf den angekündigten Generalstreik bei den Wahlen vom 19. November habt ihr alle sehr professionell und rasch reagiert und das Trekking um zwei Tage vorverlegt. Dadurch hatte ich auch das Glück, in Thulo Shyaphru dem Vollmondfest beiwohnen zu können, ein sehr eindrückliches Erlebnis vor einmaliger Bergkulisse.Ich danke euch allen sehr für die Organisation und Unterstützung bei meinem Trekking und wünsche euch weiterhin alles Gute mit der Swiss Family Treks & Expedition.

Elisabeth und Wolfgang mit Juliane und Christian, 2 Adults and 2 Children, Germany
Der Langtang-Trek war wirklich ein Erlebnis, auch für die Kinder. Die Kinder haben schon von Anfang an zur Mannschaft Vertrauen gehabt. Bereits nach der Jeepfahrt nach Syabru Besi haben sie mit unseren Trägern "Fangen" gespielt. Begeistert waren wir auch, wie professionell alles organisiert war, und wie gut die Mannschaft auch um das Wohl und die Sicherheit der Kinder besorgt war. An etwas steileren Stellen wurden unsere Kinder jedes Mal von den Pferden genommen und an der Hand der Träger oder Pferdeführer über diese Stelle geführt, ohne dass wir uns darum kümmern mussten. Man merkt einfach, dass die Mannschaft Erfahrung mit Kindern (auch mit Kindergartenkindern) hat.

Vlad and Elena Gabayduliny, 2 Adults and 1 Child, Russia. St. Petersburg"
Our route follows the thrilling ride, and we were able to fully enjoy the pristine natural beauty of Himalayas. Like the pioneers of past times we walked a narrow path along the cliffs and wild mountain rivers. We met people whose lives flows as well as it did in the past, in harmony with nature, in accordance with ancient Buddhist tradition. Especially I would like to acknowledge the important role of our guide Shangbu, whose experience and help make our trip safe and comfortable. We can describe our impressions from this trip, but no description of what can replace personal experience. So I recommend to anyone who is thinking about a trip to leave your doubts, and ready for a trip to the realization of his dream. I can say that this trip is very united and strengthen the family. So it was a wonderful experience and training for our son. On the practical side, I would also recommend hiring horses. This variant of travel is not only easier, but also more interesting, colorful.

Rob Chad and Todd Bell, 2 Adults, Canadian
Thanks to all of you for an exceptional experience in Nepal. Both Todd and I were absolutely overwhelmed by the beauty of the country and the culture. It has been sad to have left all that behind.

Stephan and Natasha, 2 Adults, Switzerland
Wir haben dank eurem Guide Birendra den Larkya-La Pass trotz Schneesturm überqueren können und so eine unvergessliche Umrundung des Manaslu erleben können! Birendra zeigte viel Einsatz und Willen während des ganzen Treks. Den Abstecher in das Tsum-Valley mit wilden Affen an Ufern von reissenden Flüssen und zahllosen weissen Gipfeln werden wir nicht vergessen! Besten Dank für alles und herzliche Grüsse aus dem Appenzellerland.

Cornelia and Cedrec, Switzerland
During the planning phase, Stephan and his team replied patiently to all our questions and gave us some useful hints about Nepal. Once we arrived in Kathmandu, we felt right away that the SFT Team really cared about us and that our trip went well. The beautiful mountain scenery, the tiny villages high up in the mountain and the friendly Nepali people let us quickly forget our problems back home. Thank you SFT for the great time we had in Nepal. It was the time of our life...

Claudia & Daniel Hager, Switzerland
The scenery was amazing and trekking through cultural land gave us very interesting insights into the rural life in Western Nepal. Above all, the trek was really of the beaten tracks — we did not encounter any other tourists for more than two weeks. Having been prepared for a different trek, our guide and crew had to improvise — but they came up with a good program and they managed to find great picnic areas and camping sites. Our crew was just wonderful: friendly, helpful, funny, hardworking and always smiling.

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